

About Us

  1. Implementing the “Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi” in a dedicated and professional manner throughout our academic activities.
  2. Establish collaborations with local and international partners to harness evolving knowledge and technology to ensure our students are well prepared to compete and manage their career.
  3. Provide transformational learning experience, enabling our students to develop the intelligence and character in realizing their full potential.


PMCI aspires to be recognized as the region’s leading business school that delivers excellence and competencies in developing the intelligence and character of future leaders who can shape and change the world for the better.

Core Values

“PMCI celebrates a long and deep PASSION in teaching our young students and people to be always MINDFUL, always CARE for each other, and always act with INTEGRITY in all interactions and situations.”



We are passionate about what we do. We give our hearts to our students, their families, and our employees. We maintain a positive attitude and approach as we perform our responsibilities with hard work, honesty, integrity and credibility.


We value and teach our students on positive thinking and winning attitude. Our students would take pride in being aware of their mindset, thoughts and feelings without judgement. Being mindful will help bolster their emotional wellbeing.


We treat our students and each other with deep care and eagerness to help. We act with empathy, dignity, respect, and bring our authentic selves to work every day. We show up for our students and each other with a warm and welcoming environment.


We value integrity above everything else in all interactions. We always act with strong ethical and moral principles and following them at all times. We teach and maintain our staffs and our students to always act with honor, honesty, truthfulness, credibility and responsibility.